
My husband has been working out of town a lot recently, which means he’s eating out all week long. In an effort to remain a somewhat healthy diet, he keeps healthier snacks in his hotel room. At the end of the week he packs everything up and brings it home. Right now he is on a cherry kick…which means…we have lots  have lots of cherries at my house and since I hate to throw out food I needed to find something to do with them beside just popping them in my mouth.

The first thing I found out is that there are two types of cherries- tart & sweet. The tart cherries are less common and are suppose to offer health benefits like easing arthritis and gout pain. Sweet cherries are just good! They don’t offer any particular health benefits that I could find but you know they have to have some vitamins and fiber- they’re definitely better for you than a candy bar. The kind I have are sweet.

The one draw back with cherries for me is the pit. I haven’t used many cherries in the past, so I don’t have a cherry pitter. But I found a cool pitting technique  where you use a  thick plastic straw to push the pit through the cherry. I used one that came with a travel cup. It is time consuming…and messy, but way better that biting down on a cherry pit. It is recommended to soak your cherries in ice water before pitting to firm them up. I didn’t do that but if you have trouble pitting your cherries it may help.


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